Notwithstanding the fact that summer has taken it's sweet time to get here, we have been enjoying our free time with friends and family.

Mark and his lovely fiance Meghan stopped by for a visit a while back. We will be taking Emily across the border in a few weeks to witness their nuptials. We are really excited and expect to have some amazing photos to share.

Emily and Nana Margie stopping to smell the flowers.

Misty night at the Locks.

Our friends' son turned one last week. His birthday was in a cool park that had sculptures of scenes and characters from popular children's books.

Emily's first ride on a playground swing.

Next month, Pete (on the left) will be officiating the wedding ceremony of Amanda (center) and Michael (the only other person in the photo to be identified). I expect we will have some pretty fantastic photos from that wedding, too.

This was my (Melissa's) first crack at a blog post. Dean usually handles this stuff. Let me know what you think.
Location:Seattle, WA