We went to Portland last weekend to visit Jeff & Natalie.

Finch mellow...

Finch berserk.

We had lunch at a cool bar. Jeff ordered a coffee drink that gets lit on fire.

This is the hallway of the Kennedy school. It's an old school house turned into a bunch of bars, a theater and a hotel. The guest rooms are the old classrooms and the bars are made out of the boiler room, detention room, closets, etc.

This is what the place used to look like.

This is in the boiler room.

The next morning, Jeff made breakfast while we watched a little Supreme Master Ching Hai...

and infomercials on an amazing new girdle.

The shores of the mighty Colombia river.

The dogs took off down the beach. Jeff and I running after them (of course, Finch is the farthest away).

Maurice's first time in the water.

Me and dude.


There's a lot of stuff you can't do at this beach.
We're going back up to Vancouver this weekend, and should have lots to post.
Did you guys think about us?
Non-stop. We actually discussed your Christmas "present."
We thought about you twice.
Wow - I've got lots to say about that post...mostly to do with dogs. Will save it for now.
those dogs are adorable.
thank god november is almost over-
it's almost time for christmas with the fullers!!
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