For some reason, Melissa and I thought it would be a good idea to pack up the dog and drive to Southern California for Christmas...

This was basically the first 12 to 14 hours of driving (except it was usually snowing).

Plowing the I-5. They closed interstate 5 the day after we left.

First stop was Indio to hang out with Melissa's folks. Here's a shot for all you suckers that were snowed in - we were relaxing poolside in the desert!

Went to dinner at the Crab Pot. Melissa made a new friend.

I had the sea feast. Notice the completely useless wooden hammer they gave me.

I ate while Mike saved a blown over christmas tree from going in the fireplace.

Shelly enjoying a crab leg.

Mike wishing he had a crab knuckle.

Digging meat out of the crab knuckle.

Crab gingham.

Birthday mud pie! Four of us couldn't finish it.
This was moments before rushing Finch to the emergency room for eating a one pound box of chocolates.

Melissa's parents gave us these awesome rabbit fur russian hats. They're so insulated, you can't hear with the ear flaps down.

Don't straighten eyelashes with a hair iron.
you guys still here? we are watching the rose parade from the tattoo shop window. come with.
Dogs and chocolate. :(
awww! we already traveled back. I had to work on monday. i miss you guys soooooo much!!!
New friend? I thought that was you!!
How was the drive back?
Long and wet. We dropped in on Jeff and Natalie, though, which was really nice.
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