Melissa enrolled me into a letterpress / printing workshop with Jim Sherraden - the manager of a famous letterpress shop in Nashville called Hatch Show Print. It was one of the best days in a long time...

He has work on display at a museum here in Seattle. This is the poster for his lecture.

Jim Sherraden with student work hanging behind.

Very old, historic plates we got to print with - pre ink.

Teaching some of his techniques.

Inked plates.

More inked plates.

He told us the story behind a lot of the plates.
Here's some of the stuff I printed throughout the day:

At the end of the day, he signed and gave everyone a print of one of his famous images.

This guy teaches at SVC (School of Visual Concepts). He restored that press.

More beautifully inked plates.

Look Jeff, similar to my 5x7 press!

This is about 5' tall and was printed with a steamroller in the parking lot!

Poster for his show at the EMP.

Lots of metal type.

SVC is the best. I can't wait to take more classes here.
Very nice!!
whoa. i don't know how i missed this post. that is amazing dean.
Hey, thanks Adrian!
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