Thursday, March 26, 2009

Portland & Crystal mtn.

It's been a long time since I've updated this thing, so here's a bunch of stuff from the last month:

Train going over the locks

Our group waiting for a train in Portland.

Natalie and Jeff trying to figure out the train schedule.

Travis, Meghan & Mark at a tavern in Portland

Jeff & Natalie

Jim, Stevie & Monica

Cocktails at Stevie & Monica's

Hens for Obama sign

It snowed on our walk home from the bar

Driving back into a storm over Seattle

The lodge at Crystal mountain after a good day of snowboarding

Somehow we got seats at the bar

Met up with Bill and his friends at the mountain

A piece of fur with an eyeball and an ear sewn on

Outside the lodge

Happy and serious



Anonymous said...

people have on helnets behind you while youre in mexico snowboarding. love jonny

Anonymous said...

you should have named this portland and crystal methain

Jack Crusade said...

dog jump!!!! dang mang, do it.

Anonymous said...

yeah do it! what he said.