Woke up early today and went hiking around the North Bluff of Discovery park.
It was raining when I started - the drops sound really cool hitting the canopy of trees...

The most slippery stairs in the world. I almost slid down on my ass (they're wet wood covered in moss).

There's also a bunch of slippery little bridges to cross.

After a mile or so through the forrest, you pop out to a little beach cove.

There's even a little wetlands area. If you look close (enlarge the photo), there's a duck in the middle.

I really liked the colors and composition of this picture.

These stairs are a real ass-kicker. It doesn't look bad, but they go on forever.

Found the wheelchair trail.

It was tough finding a parking spot today.
Melissa's taking the camera to Arizona this weekend, so we won't post again until Monday. While she's away, I'm heading up to Vancouver for the weekend to attend Mark & Meghan's BBQ!
Hey Synco - how long did you grow that beard in your profile picture? I have fast growing face hair, but it would take me a year or more to get that long...
It took me about 6 months I believe.
you gotta get those photos from mark they were hilarious.
Yeah. Maybe he'll read this, burn them to a CD and send them to me. Otherwise, I'll get them when I go to pick up my bike...
just have him upload them to your .mac
Ummm . . . Jeff? I see you left your banana behind on my dressing table. Not sure if you intended it as a little "welcome back" gift for me or if it's a special bedtime banana that you forgot to pack up and take with you. If it's the former, thanks, but I don't particularly care for bananas. If it's the latter . . . well, I'm not sure what to say. I'll buy you a new one when you come for your next visit, but this one is hitting the trash.
Say hello to my little friend.
...that's the banana.
How was Arizona?
Arizona was surprisingly relaxing considering I was helping a bride get a few loose ends tied before the wedding. Our friends Brett and Erin are really cool and it was great spending time with them and having them and their beautiful daughter all to myself. It was hot though. But I guess any place is hot compared to here. Did you hear that it snowed in our local mountains yesterday? Something like half a foot. Insane! Oh yeah, and Dean and I were almost killed yesterday by huge falling trees while walking through the park. If Dean tries to downplay the experience, don't believe him, because we literally ran for our lives.
It was fun - gave us a real reason to run fast.
We were in dense woods and trees were falling all around because of the extremely high winds. Huge branches were falling just feet away.
Had to keep an eye out for falling branches, but also had to watch the trail to keep our footing.
Screw going to the gym, that was extreme exercise!
And when Dean says, "Huge branches were falling just feet away," what he means is a significant portion of the tops of 30+ foot tall trees were cracking and snapping and falling within several feet of us. It was terrifying. I had no idea which way it would fall. I just heard Dean yell, "RUN!!!!" - and he was long gone. So now I have an answer for Buddha's question about the sound a tree makes when it falls in the woods. I understand, I was there to hear it and dangerously close to it, but I can now affirmatively say that it is a horribly loud and absolutely frightening sound.
Damn. I want to do that when we're there. Good thing you guys didn't get hit. Dean, while you were running for your life were you taking pictures too?
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