Monday, August 25, 2008

Ball game

Last Friday, Melissa's office had a company outing at the Mariner's baseball game. I'm not into baseball, but it was a lot of fun...

Jeffery works with Melissa now. We met a bunch of their co-workers for beers before walking down to the stadium.

The entrance to Safeco Field

I really like this shot. It's such a cool, interesting, clean stadium.

They had a BBQ set up for us in a private little area near the field

See the Fox sports announcers over my shoulder?

Fox Sports!

The BBQ area

How coy...

That's one of their co-workers, Sam, on the right.

Me, eating of course.

Cool lights and a great view of downtown from the front of the stadium.

Sam lives on an island, so we had time for one last stop at a martini bar before his ferry left.

Cheers - team Garden City Group!

Then Melissa passed out with Finch.

A slightly hungover Melissa at breakfast the next morning (notice the dark sunglasses!)

A little hair-of-the-dog to help my hangover.

After breakfast, we went to the Arboretum and looked at flowers. The Arboretum is my new  favorite place.

Brad & Joy's wedding, pt. 1

A couple weeks ago, we were down in California for Brad and Joy's wedding. Here's the ceremony...

This is Brad with his nephew Riley, just before getting married. Riley is taller than Brad - probably around 6'5", and he's only 15, I think. They're a tall family.

Our friend Max played guitar before, during and after the wedding.

They gave out these yellow umbrellas to shade from the sun. It looked cool when the whole audience was holding up yellow umbrellas.

And the programs were tied to these straw fans.

Melissa is in every wedding, I swear.

Joy, the bride, walked down this path through the water.

Melissa during her reading. She was really nervous and started shaking, but did a great job.

They included Joy's daughter, Parker, in the ceremony. Brad gave her a necklace just after the ring exchange.

More in part 2...

Brad & Joy's wedding, pt. 2

Ceremony is over, now it's party time...

Brad's brother Eric and his wife Jennifer

The ceremony location

Our old friend Eddie Diliberto

The reception was in an art gallery!

Brad - party time!

Joy looked amazing

Brad & Joy - more party time

Brad dancing?

Melissa and their daughter, Parker

Parker and her friend on the dance floor.

Great wedding you guys, we had a blast!

Luke Skywalker

Here are some things I like:

Melissa looks like Luke Skywalker.

Funny looking Alpacas I found on the internet while searching for a photo of Luke Skywalker.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Rest In Peace

"It is one of the cruelties of this world 
that the longevity of our dogs is shorter than ours".
Konrad Lorens

"Chings, my little angel, you brought such joy and happiness to my life, I will never forget you. You made me smile every day and filled my heart with your sweetness, devotion and love - you were my best friend. I will think of you when I look up at the birds and the squirrels in the yard and feel the sun on my face. We will meet again someday, my angel".
our mom, Carol Fuller

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back to Long Beach

Sorry for not posting in such a long time. We went back to Long Beach for a while. 
Had a wedding to attend and I was working at Designory again. 

The night before we left, we video chatted with the Cadmans...

In the lower right corner is a picture of me taking the picture of a web cam taking a picture of a video camera taking a picture of Jonny...

Finch was pretty bummed out we were leaving.

He took the luggage tag.

Jonny in the flesh.

The original Baby Cadman! He just went to Bali and Japan. Rough summer.

Good old Long Beach. Where else will you find a Mega DVD & Water store.

The prospector in all it's karaoke splendor.

Visited with Travis and Michelle.

Bailey the dog's 2nd appearance on this blog - publicity whore!

After the wedding, Melissa went back to Seattle and I stayed a week to work at Designory. Rode the bus everyday and it was really cool...

Long Beach from the bus.

I like downtown Long Beach.

Back to The Designory, inc.!

Downtown promenade.


Designory's 6th floor lobby & library.

My old code still worked.

I sat at my old office mate's desk because he was out of town for the week.

Worked on a brochure.

Went to a going away party at the Dubliner. This is Sal. He's gonna help me with my website.

Jamie is leaving (L), and Wane is not (R).

Jamie and Alan Louie!

The wedding will have it's own post to come...