All my materials are finally done (except a real website), and I started sending samples to the agencies/design firms I like.
Sent stuff to 3 high-end agencies and one that's not as good, but who was actually hiring. We'll see if anyone bites. It's kind of like fishing...

My portfolio is done, and it's huge - almost 2 feet wide and 14 inches high! Kick 'em in the balls with huge images!

I finally like the look of my resume.

Put a PDF together so I can email samples to agencies I like.

Working down my list of places to apply.

Now I wait and see if anyone is interested....
Good luck Dean!
Sending out portfolios, looking for work? Welcome to the Salt Mines, Big Boy; welcome to My World!
Props to the Mrs. and the um, kid...
don't do it Dean!
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