Friday, October 17, 2008

La Palma

Contrary to what we've said or written in the past, last night we found the best mexican restaurant in the city. It's called La Palma, and it's about 1/2 mile from our house. It looks cruddy from the outside and has a light up "cocktails" sign out front.  It might be my favorite restaurant in Seattle...

The amazing holiday decorations and christmas lights make the place comfortable.

Crazy photos and a skeleton holding a giant beer bottle? Outrageous.

La Cocina. There's a wooden cocina sign and a virgin mary painting  up above.
It smells like wonderful sauteed onions and peppers even when there's nothing on the stove. Also, huge portions and stiff drinks for reasonable prices.

Vampire says "come back soon"...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we should eat there on election day and try to get the same table across from the TV wall.