Last week the weather was crap everyday but Sunday, so we went exploring...

Contrary to this forecast, Sunday was beautiful.

We grabbed some food and ate at Marymoor park. The leaves are turning colors now.

Spent about an hour in the dog park with Finch (he's way off in the distance here).

Then we drove NE towards Steven's Pass. This is the city of Monroe - Melissa thought it looks like the town from the movie "Red Dawn". Locals at the Hoot Owl..

Cool bridges further east.

Low clouds and mountains.

This is the town of Startup - a convenience mart and a church.

We stopped to hike at Wallace Falls. Unfortunately, there were no motorcycles allowed.

Some worthwhile words by W.Wordsworth.

Hard to see, but thats a cool river behind us. Check out the moss hanging from the trees.

While it looks like Sasquatch, that figure ahead is only me.

Melissa took an arty photo of the dudes.

This place is so cool...

and this is only the small falls. A few miles further are the main falls, but we didn't have enough time.

Dog action-shot.

He was tired and crashed out on Melissa's shoulder.

We only walked as far as Melissa's finger, but you can see how much more there is to explore.

Wallace Falls plaque.

You can buy a State Park Jr. Ranger badge!

Over the water, back home.

Finch and I ate lunch in the park today. The leaves are orange, red, yellow, etc.
Not a big deal to most, but I never experienced seasons growing up in So. Cal.
Jeff is coming to visit this weekend, so I'll probably have more to post then.
Start-Up, WA - When all you need is God, a carton of smokes and some microwave burritos.
Great post! The rain, oh the rain. I can't wait to get me some.
uh...I don't know who Sofia is, but I guess I was signed in as her when I posted that last comment. I'm at school.
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