Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend stuff

On Friday, Bill invited me too see a photographer he knows give a presentation of his work and  his book release.

Waiting for the show.

This is the photographer, Chase Jarvis.

Bill getting a book. I like the guy in line with the 80's purple ski jacket.

Bill got the book signed to Jack.

Steak night.

Saturday, Melissa and I went to the conveyor belt sushi spot.


I did good.

A lady in this store told us they don't allow pictures because people steal their ideas.

Look how huge his head is and how little his feet are.

I wanted this Burger King mask, but they were all warped and deformed.

This was on TV tonight.


DG Beat said...

We should start sushi blogs.

dean said...

those would be expensive blogs to maintain.

Jack Crusade said...

sushi blogs would not fill me up.

mark said...

if toshi was involved they would.
i want to go to the sushi conveyor spot.

Adrian Roger Sanchez said...

dude. what are the square format photos taken with?