More from the 4th of July...

Timber, irritated by the fireworks...

Jeff with the grand finale.

Smoking above a bunch of fireworks...

It looked a lot better in person, the flash really kills the splendor.

Believe it or not, this photo took 3 tries to get - Jeff being scared of John's powerful Uno hand.

Melissa & Tricia waiting for us to get that last stupid picture...

After all the fireworks were done, Jeff lit 10 sparklers at once...

God bless America! Barbecuing and lighting stuff on fire is pretty fun!

The next day, everyone got to meet Finch.

After the Pug event, we went to breakfast.

then we said goodbye...

and drove back to Seattle.
Dear the both of you,
Tricia and I had a great time and want to thank you for everything. We were so bummed to board that plane home. Reality is constantly picking on us. We'll see you again soon.
Good. Come back as soon as you can. I have a better breakfast spot than Katina's Kitchen now.
is finch home yet?
it looks like you guys had a blast on the fourth!
you'll be here in a month! hooray!
(my word verification is aiyoy)
We don't have Finch home yet. He has to stick around in Portland until he is able to get his last round of shots. We think we may pick him up the weekend of the 19th. Which reminds me that Jonny's birthday is tomorrow. Happy Birthday tomorrow Jonny!
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