He slept most of the drive.

We went on 3 walks in one evening.

We played a bunch.

He was really well behaved while we BBQ'd and ate dinner.

He loves looking out the window.

This is the polo shirt he came home with. As far as dog clothes go, I think it's pretty cool.

I'm amazed at how much he farts and how potent they are. He completely smells up the whole room for several minutes and has no problem letting one fly in your face.
I didn't take many photos because we were spending all our time with him, but I'm sure he'll be on every blog post from now on...
Congratulations you guys.
hooray!!! welcome home finch!!!
melissa couldn't look any more proud!
Mr and Mrs. Fuller:
So is this "Finch" like the bird or "Finch" like "Atticus?"
Inquiring minds, you know?
Still can't decide whether he looks more like Mom or Dad...
He definitely has Melissa's teeth and breath.
Finch is the last name of the previous owner (the rescue re-named him).
But he definitely has Dean's bad gas and, not unlike Dean, it takes him forever to finally "pinch one." SO, six of one, half-dozen of the other.
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