Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hair fun

I got up early today and went on a hike. 
Towards the end, my beard was hot and collecting sweat, and all I could think about was cutting it off...

Before shot - or "the natural"

the "heavy metal"

the "pacific northwest", aka standard goatee

The "southern dandy" (my personal favorite - I might grow this out again)

The "Carolina half-stache"

Business on the right...

Party on the left.

Back to normal.  I feel so boring now without any facial flair.  
While I like the look of a beard, it just gets annoying.  It's also hot right now, so maybe it will come back in the winter (notice the self hair cut too!).

These are exciting times.


Anonymous said...

wow wow wow.
we just had a discussion with your mom about you with a beard
i said i liked it
your mom was impartial

im going to miss it. although i do like the southern dandy.

mark said...

dandy is a dandy.

Rotten Little Pony said...

Damn baby. Beardie will be missed.

dean said...

It can be back in all it's glory within a few months...

charles_h said...

Does this also mean that someone is going to start looking for a job?

dean said...

I think subconsciously that is what happened. I even went to the barber and got an old fashioned fade. Getting tired of looking like a hobo-woodsman. Ready to rejoin society.

phases said...

dean. im going for one more month. ill place a beard photo on my blog. actually, ill go until september 1st.

Jack Crusade said...

you have completely lost it. Boredom in the northwest, I feel your pain I have learned way to many balero tricks lately. But I really do think you should have kept the dandy for a bit.