Alright, it's been a few days without an internet connection, so here's photos from the 2nd day of driving through today. We've really just been unpacking and getting comfortable, so nothing too exciting.
The first day thru California sucks - it's long, hot, flat and smells like cow shit. The 2nd day thru Oregon is amazing - once you're into the Shasta area, it's nothing but trees, mountains, streams and fresh air.
Although, I don't ever want to drive that far again.
This place sounds really dangerous and scary.
Melissa telling me to answer my phone. I had the music up too loud.
This is my 'Out-of-control-down-a-steep-hill' look.
Command center.
There's only so many photos you can take of yourself while you're driving...
Melissa jamming thru the corners
The rest area smelled like piss.
I had to stop and let Melissa exercise every few hours
Oregon has tigers!
There's really cool bridges everywhere.
And what's a drive to Washington without a little rain
Around a corner, and out of nowhere - downtown Seattle!
There's no pictures of our truck unloading - working too hard for photos. After getting all the furniture out, we went to a good fish place down the street. You can see the fishing boats out the window.
I'm in our new back yard! If I look a beat up, this was after 12 hours of driving, unloading all our furniture, a big dinner and a few glasses of wine. I asked Melissa to make sure and get the BBQ in frame.
The next morning having coffee and bagel. She's always hunting for a good deal.
I love our new office area. Notice the bamboo view out the window - it's great when the sun is low and the light filters through - the room glows green. It's raining right now, and its really cool to hear drops hitting the glass mixed with train bells and seagulls. I have a feeling I'll do some good work here - very inspiring.
There's still A LOT left to unpack, but the above photos are a general vibe of our place. We're looking for a new couch and rug - should have something this weekend. Also, there is absolutely no storage in this house, so we need to get creative with building shelves.
I've spent all morning getting our new computer set up, and it's amazing. It's going to make posting so much easier. Have get back to unpacking now - will post more as stuff happens.
It's true - 1100 miles is too far inside a car.
You two are the most irresponsible drivers I know! Taking pictures of yourselves while driving?! Taking pictures of the scenery! Telling one another to answer their phone while road is right their in front of you. Getting deadlier every inch you go.
Actually I saw a lot worse. Like the dude in Portland who was driving with his German Shepard on his lap and smoking a Pall Mall. Well I hope it was a Pall Mall.
as long as youre gone, i cant apologize for the things i havent said and done
Less than two months left. Stock the wine cellar. How did the Penske treat you? How was the drive for the second time pony little rotten?
Dumb California drivers, taking pictures and talking on the phone. Folks up here hate California drivers.
It's hard driving here, mainly because of all the stupid bicyclists (I'm really into riding bikes, but they're just jerks here).
The Penske was amazing. It's like driving a van - no big deal. Got a little crazy driving through the city neighborhoods. The GPS took me through areas narrower than Carroll Park with round-a-bouts.
I feel sorry for Melissa having to do the drive twice. It's brutal after the first 14-15 hours. You feel good getting to Portland, but it seems to never end.
I recently told a co-worker that even if I end up hating it here, I'm not moving again. Having to drive through California is definitely the worst part. It's ugly, it smells bad (although not as bad as that Oregon rest stop. That was just a parking lot smack in the middle of a raging river of piss.), and it drains you. By the time you get to Olympia, you're enjoying the drive, but you're running on fumes.
2 1/2 hours and we are there. Not this weekend but maybe next. Make sure that grill is ready homeboy. Oh yeah timber is coming too, she said to have some treats ready to go and a buddy to play with or else she is gonna bite your ankles.
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